Weight Loss

How To Lose Weight Naturally And Permanently – 25 Ways To Lose Weight Permanently

how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently

How to lose weight naturally and permanently at home? 25 Ways To Lose Weight Permanently at home. Don’t go on yo-yo diets anymore. Here are some simple tips for losing weight and keeping it off for good! We are surrounded by all kinds of fad diets and quick fixes these days. These practices often lead to only temporary results, if not none at all. Weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Successful long term results are only achievable with a combination of healthy eating habits and regular exercise. It is possible to save a lot of time and energy by finding ways to lose weight permanently.

We all know that maintaining our weight is much easier than trying to lose weight. In order to prevent you from ever having to backtrack again, we have compiled our top ways to permanently lose weight. You can achieve permanent results by making several small changes to your lifestyle.

Here are 25 ways to permanently lose weight

1. Make a meal plan

Balanced Meal Plan Kit - how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently

With our Balanced Meal Plan Kit, you can plan your meals without worrying. By doing so, you’ll make life easier and you’ll make healthier choices in the long run.

2. Keeping a food diary can help you keep track of your consumption

By keeping a journal, you stay accountable for your weight loss. We recommend keeping a food journal to you, especially when you are just starting out. If you’re having trouble losing weight, you can look back and see what the issue is!

3. Make sure you don’t skip meals

You’ll be raiding the vending machines at work if you have blood sugar crashes! Eating regularly can save you hundreds of calories per day.

4. Eating fiber gives you a longer feeling of being full

Eating fiber gives you a longer feeling of being full - how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently

It takes longer for fiber to digest, so it keeps you fuller longer! Fiber-rich foods include vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Enjoy Keto Coconut Curry with Cauliflower Rice

4 Foods To Keep You Fuller For Longer

5. Consume three small meals and two or three snacks daily

Eat frequently to boost your metabolism. As long as you have fuel to burn, your body won’t store fat.

6. Use smaller plates when you serve yourself

You may find this silly, but if you need any help with this, you should get a kiddie plate. They have separate slots. A few of our clients listened to that advice and started eating properly!

7. Portion control is important

You’d be surprised at how quickly calories add up! Despite the fact that nuts are packed full of nutrients, they are also very high in calories.

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8. Include vegetables in every meal, especially leafy greens

Because of their fiber content, these nutrient-rich foods will keep you full and satisfied. Additionally, vegetables have low calories, so you can eat more of them!

9. Attempt to suppress your appetite with natural substances

Some foods are able to help stave off hunger pangs. Here are 10 foods to curb your appetite.

10. Choose your snacks wisely

You should leave processed, high-calorie snacks on the shelf when you snack! 

11. Quit drinking soda, including diet soda

weight loss smoothie recipe - how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently

Sugar (calories) is an important component of regular soda. Although diet soda does not contain sugar, it contains artificial sweetener, which can sometimes cause us to develop a sweet tooth. Replace diet soda with these 7 Healthy Weight Loss Smoothie alternatives.

12. Do some form of exercise at least five days a week

Exercises - how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently

By regularly exercising, you can burn an enormous amount of fat, resulting in greater weight loss. Try one of our Tabata Workouts for 8 weeks and burn your fat.

13. Water

Make sure you drink enough water. Maintaining hydration will keep you from snacking and help you lose fat.

14. Only order takeout occasionally

Almost every processed food, fast food, and restaurant meal contains an abnormally high number of calories. You should prepare most of your meals at home, but every now and then, treat yourself!

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15. Avoid eating in front of a glowing screen

Turn off the TV, turn off your laptop, and put down your phone! Staying on top of what you eat will prevent you from overeating.

16. Become familiar with nutrition labels

Learn how to decipher food labels by checking out our Quick Tips in Deciphering Food Labels. Your weight loss can be greatly influenced by knowing what’s in the foods you eat. If you want to lose weight, eat foods that don’t have nutrition labels (lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables).

17. Record your exercise in a journal

You will be held accountable if you keep track of your workouts. You can also stay more consistent when you know what you did last time!

18. Train with a friend

You will exercise harder and more frequently if you have a workout partner to help motivate you. Hire yourself a personal trainer if you can’t find a gym partner. Clients who hire personal trainers often do so to have a companion and spotter!

19. Don’t get bored by the same workout every time

Success can be hampered by boredom. Keep things simple and don’t overcomplicate it, but remember to have fun! You shouldn’t be miserable while exercising.

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20. Consume healthy snacks

You can avoid overeating by eating clean, low-calorie snacks 2 to 3 times per day.

21. Move!

Your weight can be affected by sitting at your desk all day. During the day, get up and move around. Do 25 squats on the hour at your desk every hour. Get active with some awesome tunes during your lunch break or after work.

22. Invest in a pedometer and wear it every day

Setting a goal of 5000, 8000, or even 10,000 steps per day will motivate you to step it up (literally).

23. Climb the stairs

Use the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator and burn some calories. You can accomplish your goal faster by doing anything you can!

24. Give yourself a reward

I’m not talking about a hot fudge sundae. I’m talking about an unexpected treat. If you earn rewards (Pedicure, anyone?) you will work harder and remain motivated!

25. Monitor your progress

Every 2 to 4 weeks, you need to measure your weight, circumference, and body fat. Measuring yourself on a regular basis will also help you stay accountable. If you are prone to slack off, have someone else measure you. It will motivate you to stay on track.

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Final thoughts

Making healthy habits is the challenge; finding permanent ways to lose weight isn’t always hard. You can get where you want to be by following these weight loss techniques.

Which of these tips is your favorite? Is it on the list? Comment below and let us know!

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