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eBook: Healthy Habits | How To Form Healthy Habits?

healthy habits eating

This is the ultimate guide for those who want to create a better lifestyle so that they can be healthier, wealthier, and happier

This blueprint will help you install healthy habits in your life and get rid of the destructive ones.

It will teach you everything you need to know about harnessing the power of healthy habits to experience major life transformations.

Here are some of the things that you will discover in this life-transforming program:

  • The most important ‘treasure’ in the world that most people don’t realize they have until they lose it.
  • The secret to happiness even if you don’t have heaps of money or mega achievements.
  • 3 little-known qualities of healthy habits plus how to avoid unhealthy habits.
  • The truth about the choices that you make in life.
  • 5 benefits of having a healthy work-life balance and how you can get the best of both worlds.
  • The ONE common mistake that strains interpersonal relationships
  • 5 easy to implement tips to help you slow down in a chaotic world.
  • How to have more time for your work and personal life without staying up late.
  • 6 hacks to help you build a daily routine that works for you.

Due to the damaging impacts of negative behaviors, countless articles and books have been written on how to identify them, their triggers, and how to overcome them. There is no doubt that these efforts are commendable, and many people have been able to improve the quality of their lives by leveraging the tips in these materials. However, the fact that many writers and readers fail to see is that bad behavior is essentially the absence of healthy ones. Therefore, if good habits can be promoted, they will automatically eliminate and replace destructive ones.

This conviction is the reason behind this project. Health is the most important thing in this world. Sadly, many people don’t realize it until they lose it. The reality is that our health will deteriorate as we grow older and move towards the end of our lives. Nonetheless, we can choose to age gradually or look older than our real age due to poor health management. Healthy habits ensure that you will be able to stay more away from the doctor and have the strength to carry out your daily activities.

It is high time you prioritized your health. If you are sick, it is going to be difficult for you to achieve and live your dreams. Your loved ones need you to be healthy. If your physical health is affected, it will affect every other aspect of your life including your mental and social health. Life becomes colorless and meaningless when you are not healthy. What is the way out? Leverage the tips in this book.

Chapter 1: What are Healthy Habits?

It is logical to start this book by investigating healthy habits. Indeed, they are
numerous. So, we will highlight the characteristics of healthy habits and
remind you about what really matters the most in life.

What Matters the Most in Life

In the midst of the craze and rush of the modern world, many people forget
the most important things in life. Many never learn to value those things
until they lose them. It is this lack of getting our priorities right that is responsible for the rate of depression in the world today. Many people are
unhappy despite the money and achievements they have. They keep wondering what is missing. The answer is not farfetched. They have forgotten how to live.

Here are some of the most important things in life that many people neglect.

Loved Ones

The desire to be rich and famous has made many people forget that it’s lonely
at the top when you’re not there with your loved ones. Some people cry on
the days they receive awards because they wish their friends, families, and any other person that matters to them were present. In reality, there are some situations in which we lose our loved ones to accidents.

However, in some cases, they leave us because we are selfish and don’t have
regard for them. We are busy chasing our dreams while making them feel
that they take secondary places in our lives. King Midas, in ancient Greek
mythology, learned the hard way that no amount of treasure in this world
could replace his daughter. You don’t have to lose your loved ones before you
figure that out.


Happiness is the greatest pursuit of man, even though many people don’t
realize it. The reason you want to chase and live your dream is that you want
to be happy. Sadly, many people get all they want only to realize that they
don’t want what they got. In other words, they chased the big life because
they thought it would make them happy only to realize that they felt hollow
and empty after achieving their targets.

You don’t have to possess a private jet or wear expensive clothes to be happy.
Enjoying the camaraderie of your loved ones is enough to make you happy.
The issue is that many people have friends that don’t value them because of
the things they don’t possess. Still, if you find yourself among people who
love and respect you regardless of what you have, you will understand that
happiness is in the simple things of life.


Note that health is not simply the absence of diseases, according to the World
Health Organization. It also refers to your mental and social life. Your health is very crucial to the quality of life you live. It is harder to be happy or enjoy
the company of your loved ones when you are sick. So, you should never toy
with it.

Your job schedule must not make you have less regard for your health. If you
don’t treat your body well, it will soon “go on strike” or “evict you”. Your body
is that landlord you shouldn’t mess with. It wants to be respected, and you
will wake up to a rude shock when you aren’t doing what you ought to do.

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Health is Wealth

Many people say the above maxim is almost becoming a cliché and losing its
relevance. Nevertheless, it remains an important truthful statement that you
can only treat with levity at your own peril. Health is wealth and there is no
doubt about that. At least, you need it to make wealth. You cannot go to work
if you are sick unless it is very minor. Even when it is minor, you will still find
it difficult to be at your best when you don’t have sound health.

Moreover, you need to be healthy to enjoy your success. What is the point of
making all the money only to spend it on sickness? You should take an
“excursion” to the hospital once in a while to learn some vital lessons in life.
There are many rich people in the hospital who are there battling for their
lives. They have money but they don’t have the sound health that money
cannot buy.

The fact that you can afford an expensive meal doesn’t mean that you should
buy it. You should consider the health implications of the things you
consume rather than their prices. Success is only worth it when you are in
good health and can enjoy it with the people that mean the world to you.

What Makes a Habit Healthy?

We will end this section by identifying the qualities of healthy habits in order
to help you identify them and avoid destructive ones. Healthy habits have the
following attributes.

Beneficial to the Individual in the Long Run

It is crucial to mention that a habit should be beneficial in the long run before
it can be considered to be healthy. There are many things we do that gratify
our desires in the short run but are disastrous in the long run. For example,
smoking settles the desire to feel calm in the short run. However, it affects
the lung and other parts of the body eventually.

So, if a habit cannot make you stay healthy in the long run, you shouldn’t let
the short-term benefits blindfold you. Lack of consideration for the future
consequences of an action will only bring tears and regrets eventually.

Beneficial to Others

When something is beneficial to you but hurts others, it’s not a good habit.
We have to be conscious about how our actions affect the people around us.
This is the reason the government of some nations restricts the activities of
industries. The fact that a company is boosting the economy and raking in a
lot of money doesn’t mean it has the freedom to jeopardize our health.

We should apply the same principle when evaluating our habits. For
example, sexual promiscuity might make you feel good immediately.
Nonetheless, it will hurt your partner emotionally when he or she finds out.
In some cases, it might even affect the person physically if you infect him or
her with sexually transmitted diseases from unprotected sex.

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