Whole Grain French Toast

Whole Grain French Toast

Sprouted grain bread with a sprinkling of cinnamon and maple syrup satisfies a morning sweet craving.
  • 5 min Prep
  • 12 min Cooking
  • 2 serving Total
  • 300g Weight
262 cals/
Sprouted grain bread with a sprinkling of cinnamon and maple syrup satisfies a morning sweet craving.

8 ingredients

4 slice Generic 100% whole grain sprouted bread
2 large egg Egg whole raw
1 large Egg white raw
1/4 tsp Cinnamon ground
1/16 tsp Ginger ground dry
3 sprays, about 1/3 second each spray Vegetable cooking spray oil
1 oz Greek yogurt plain nonfat
1 teaspoon Maple syrup

7 steps

  • Thaw sprouted grain bread if frozen.
  • Mix eggs and egg whites together in a shallow bowl.
  • Add cinnamon and ginger and mix with egg mixture in bowl.
  • Heat nonstick skillet on medium heat. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray.
  • Dip bread in egg mixture until coated.
  • Cook each side of bread for about 3-4 minutes until golden brown.
  • Serve warm topped with nonfat Greek yogurt and drizzled with pure maple syrup.

Garnished with fresh mint leaves in recipe photo.

1 oz of nonfat Greek yogurt is 2 Tbsp.